Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feeling disconnected

I am now so disconnected from the etsy community. I would like to get back in so to speak, but I just don't have the time to commit to it like I used to. Blogging about my jewelry when I do have the time would seem to be a good way to get back in, but as you can see I only have seven followers, and I don't know how many of you are not followers in name only. I used to be on a few etsy teams, and that was fun but so time consuming. I did rejoin etsy for charity, mainly because I would like to eventually give a big portion of my sales to charity, as I did when I had my store up and running the first time. It really is a great team. Another way that I connected with other sellers was through the promotions forums, but I recently discovered that they did away with this, which many etsy sellers seem to be unhappy about. It just means that I will have to get creative in connecting with other sellers. I do hope to find a way because it is partly what makes this craft so much fun.
Anyway, if anyone would like to share some social networking sites for beaders, I'd love to take a look. Thanks in advance for leading me in the right direction.
But now, I want to share some pictures from my daughter's first experience making a necklace. She was a pro! She actually made a necklace and bracelet set. She is three and will be four in May. This got me thinking about possibly sharing some free make your own necklace sets, with little girls in mind. I would only charge a little for shipping, maybe $2. Would anyone be interested? I figure this is something I can afford to do with just a small group of subscribers, and it would be fun. I'd love to send out the sets and see photos of your own child's creations. Just let me know if you're interested. See how much fun my daughter and I had, and it's great for honing fine motor control.